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E5515C / 8960 Series 10 Wireless Comms Test 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

제조사 Agilent
브랜드 Agilent
판매가격 23,000,000원
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • E5515C / 8960 Series 10 Wireless Comms Test (+0원)
  • 카탈로그
  • 메뉴얼
  • 프로그램
  • 드라이버
  • 데이터시트

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

Option (List Price)
- 002 : 2nd RF source : $ 4164
- 003 : Flexible CDMA base station emulator :$ 6251
- 0B0 : Delete manual set : $ -103
- 370 : E6571A wireless test manager run-time license : $ 1825
- ABA : US-English localization : $ 0
- AX3 : Front handle kit : $ 156
- AX4 : Rack flange kit : $ 87
- AX5 : Flange and handle kit : $ 219
- B8A : Operation verification at installation : $ 491
- E16 : 225MHz universal counter - 10 digits : $ 2188
- H03 : E-GPRS capable hardware : $ 0
- H16: gpsOne calibration : $ 2040
- RMKT : Agilent Refurbished Product : $ 0
- UK6 : Commercial calibration certificate w/ test data : $ 476
Test Applications
- E1961A : AMPS/136 mobile test application.
- E1962B cdma2000/IS-95/AMPS mobile test application.
- E1962B-401 cdma2000 Rel A New Control Channels.
- E1963A W-CDMA mobile test application.
- E1963A-401 W-CDMA video phone test.
- E1966A 1xEV-DO terminal test application.
- E1968A GSM/GPRS/EGPRS mobile test application.
- E1968A-101 GSM functionality.
- E1968A-102 GPRS functionality.
- E1968A-103 EGPRS functionality.
- E1968A-201 GSM/GPRS functionality.
- E1968A-202 GSM/GPRS/EGPRS functionality.
- E1985D Fast switching test applications.
Includes E1985B for GSM, GPRS, and EGPRS to AMPS, and 136 or
W-CDMA fast switch; E1985C for GSM, GPRS, and EGPRS to cdma2000,
IS-95, and AMPS fast switch; and E1985E for cdma2000, IS-95, and
AMPS to 1xEV-DO fast switch.
- E1987A New fast switching test application.
- E1991B 8960 test application suite.
- E1993A 8960 UMTS test application suite.
Lab Applications
-E6701D GSM/GPRS lab application.
- E6702B cdma2000 lab application.
- E6703C W-CDMA lab application. Includes E5515-10007 UMTS (W-CDMA) USIM card.
- E6704A EGPRS lab application.
- E6706A 1xEV-DO lab application.
- E6785C Fast switching lab application for GSM/GPRS/EGPRS_W-CDMA.
- E6717A 8960 lab application UMTS suite.
Includes LAs for GSM, GPRS, EGPRS, and W-CDMA.
Contains E6701D, E6703C, E6704A LAs and E6785C fast switching LA.
- E6719B Lab application suite. I
Includes LAs for GSM, GPRS, EGPRS, cdma2000, W-CDMA, and fast switching.
Contains E6701D, E6702B, E6703C, E6704A LAs and E6785C fast switching LA.


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