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MSG-2520 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

모델 MSG-2520
판매가격 10,140,000원
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • MSG-2520 (+0원)
  • 카탈로그
  • 메뉴얼
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  • 드라이버
  • 데이터시트

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

MSG-2520 FM-AM Signal Generator

The MSG-2520 is designed for use on the production line for AM-FM radios and TV sound receivers. It is a small-scale version of a "Centralized signal generating system" in which up to eight discrete test frequencies can be generated with oscillator plug-in units.
Further, it is possible to mix the outputs and distribute them to four test positions. Two types of oscillator plug-ins cover the AM bands, 0.1 to 30MHz and three types for the FM band, 60 to 110MHz and TV sound frequency bands. They can be used in any combination to meet the set testing requirements. The carrier frequencies are initially set, stored in an RAM and controlled with an internal microcomputer.




 AM and FM bands covered with five oscillator plug-in units (total of eight can be installed) in any combination. Data are given in the specifications.
 Carrier frequency in each unit settable to six digits and memorized using a store switch. With an internal microcomputer, the frequency of each unit is controlled with a reference crystal oscillator. High accuracy and stability are assured.
 The reference output level of each unit is 100dBµ and adjustable in the +1 to -6dB range.
 Modulation applicable, internal or external, for 50% AM and 0 to 100kHz deviation for FM.
 In addition to outputs from installed units, two external signals can be connected for additional mixed outputs.
 Back-up battery included for storing memorized carrier frequencies at power off condition.






Signal Generation

Up to eight frequencies with AM and FM oscillator plug-in units

Frequency Display

Max. 6 digits

Frequency Accuracy


Frequency Resolution

1kHz : 100kHz to 30MHz

10kH z: 60MHz to 110MHz

10kH z: TV sound frequency

Frequency Setting

Each plug-in unit frequency can be set up or down at the selected digit order

Output Signals

Four outputs, mixed with eight (max.) signals. 100dBµ

Source Impedance

50Ω, VSWR <1.2

Spurious Signals

< -40dB (at eight signal mixing)

External Signal Input

Frequency Range

Two signals in the 0.1 to 110MHz range and TV sound frequency bands

Input Level

100mVrms, max.


50Ω, VSWR <1.2



400Hz and 1000Hz ±5%


Input Impedance : approx. 10kΩ unbalancedInput Voltage : 2Vrms at maximum indication

Power Requirements

AC 100V, 115V, 215V or 230V ±10%, 50VA



Approx. 420 (W) × 165(H) × 450 (D)mm


Approx. 12kg




 AM PLUG-IN UNITS (MU-25-1, MU-25-2) 
Frequency Range 
• MU-25-1 100Hz to 1700kHz
• MU-25-2 1.0Hz to 30MHz
Frequency Accuracy ±2×10-5
Frequency Resolution 1kHz
Output Level 100dBµ at 0dB indication; adjustable range, +1 to -6dB
Spurious Signals < -40dB (at eight signal mixing)
Residual FM > 66dB at 75kHz deviation (de-emphasis 50µs)
Residual AM > 50dB at 30% modulation
Modulation Range 0 to 100kHz deviation, ±10% of full scale
Modulation Distortion In demodulated band, 20Hz to 20kHz; <0.05% at 75kHz deviation
External Modulation 30kHz to 100kHz, response within ±1dB
Incidental FM < 200Hz at 30% modulation
Dimensions Approx. 47 (W) × 96 (H) × 265 (D) mm
Weight Approx. 700g

 FM PLUG-IN UNIT (MU-25-3, MU-25-4, MU-25-5, MU-25-7) 
Frequency Range 
• MU-25-3 60 to 76MHz
• MU-25-4 75 to 91MHz
• MU-25-5 87 to 110MHz
• MU-25-7 TV sound frequency bands
Frequency Accuracy ±2×10 -5
Frequency Resolution 10kHz
Output Level 100dBµ at 0dB indication; adjustable range, +1 to -6dB
Spurious Signal < -40dB (at eight signal mixing)
Residual FM > 76dB at 75kHz deviation (de-emphasis at 50µs)
Residual AM < 0.1%
Modulation Range 0 to 100kHz deviation, ±10% of full scale
Modulation Distortion In demodulated band, 20Hz to 20kHz; <0.05% at 75kHz deviation
External Modulation 30kHz to 100kHz, response within ±1dB
Incidental FM 0.5% at 22.5kHz deviation
Dimensions Approx. 47 (W) × 96 (H) × 265 (D) mm
Weight Approx. 700g




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